10 October 2018


1 comment:

  1. Both Douglas and Lyle did not plan on was Douglas's uncle had put a clause into his original stipulation. Not only did Douglas have to have a fiancee, but they had to get married and stay married for five years before Douglas could move from Vice President to President of the company that meant Layla would have to be around for a lot longer and not be found out. After Douglas and Layla had gotten married Lyle started to change in Douglas's eyes Layla was taking this new drug to look more feminine she started to grow real breasts and started to get monthly cramps that lasted 3days. every month during the 3 days Layla changed a little bit wider hips, rounder but, bigger breasts, smaller dick till Lyle was no more and Layla was a real woman up till now the two had never had sex it had been 3years of the marriage and uncle bob was waiting for a grandniece or grandnephew. 3yrs and 1month Layla had to use her first tampon and she knew that Douglas was going to get lucky after her period this month and maybe she would be with child next month because she was bound and determined to keep Douglas in bed as long as it took only giving him time to eat sleep and shower before more sex, sex and even more sex.
