30 August 2018

29 August 2018

28 August 2018

'Becoming Bea' chapter two

I have a surprise bonus post for you girls, today. It's chapter two of the story 'Becoming Bea' that I posted earlier this year. I know that some of you may have waited a long time for this, so I am sure you will take your time reading it. I am quite happy with this entire story, and there will be three more chapters in the future (potentially four.) It's both sexy and humiliating at the same time, with the protagonist slipping further into womanhood. It's a willing transformation, but our hero isn't without some reluctance at seeing how easy it was to destroy his own masculinity.

And please forgive me for any possible typos. When writing long fiction like this, one would appreciate the help of an editor who can fix all the mistakes that one can be blind to as the actual author. Once I conclude this story I might upload it to a place like Fictionmania, and maybe then I'll get someone to go through it with a fine-tooth comb. Maybe illustrations, even?

To make it easier for me to organise these kinds of stories in the future you can check the 'Non-Caption Story' tag at the side. Who knows, I might write more stories like these.

‘Becoming Bea’
Chapter two

There I sat, in my office, staring at my reflection in the monitor looking like I always look, but with a strange awkward smile on my face. Underneath my suit I was wearing my wife's lingerie. I had my small equipment tucked between my legs where it felt like I was perpetually leaking into my panties, but thankfully the delicate fabric was kept safe with the clever use of a sanitary napkin. I had avoided putting on a bra, because I was still deathly afraid that it might be too noticeable, even with the shirt and the jacket on. But I had put on a pair of my wife's pantyhose and those reached right up to my navel. Putting them on made it especially embarrassing when I realised that I might want to go to the toilet at some point later in the day, but I nevertheless smiled my awkward smile. I hadn't had a more exciting day at work since... well, since ever.

For the first time, certainly since I was a teenager, I started noticing how different I am from other men. Certainly not just the physical differences, but those were rather extreme. One of my co-workers, who I've occasionally talked to, he's about 6'3" and while he always gazes down on me, now I thought about how it'd feel if he gazed down on me while I was wearing a dress. I felt like my blushing was obvious, but he kept talking to me like always, mentioning going on a fishing trip and how he had bought a new big rod that he was excited to try out. I wondered if he would make me touch his big rod.

Pleasure in Pain

26 August 2018

25 August 2018

24 August 2018

Adam's Girls

I told you I'd be back! I have a load of new captions for you, and there'll be a new one each day. Half of the captions are animated, too! I hope you'll like 'em.

01 August 2018

Swimming in Humiliation


Hello there girls! I am writing this post today just to remind you all that I am in fact not gone, and that despite this blog lying dormant, it is not in fact dead. I am pretty sure most of you know that taking extended hiatuses is something of a thing amongst writers of erotic captions, and it just comes down to priorities and what I can afford spending my time on. This spring was exceptionally stressful for me and I simply couldn't find any excuses to start working on captions. But hopefully autumn will be less stressful and I will be able to go back to making captions. Well, at least do I intend on getting one big wave of captions out before the end of the year.

In any case, to show you that I am not entirely gone I will post two captions right now! I hope you enjoy them, and I promise I will have more for you at some point in the future. Though, I can't promise when. Love you all, though.