01 August 2018

Hello there girls! I am writing this post today just to remind you all that I am in fact not gone, and that despite this blog lying dormant, it is not in fact dead. I am pretty sure most of you know that taking extended hiatuses is something of a thing amongst writers of erotic captions, and it just comes down to priorities and what I can afford spending my time on. This spring was exceptionally stressful for me and I simply couldn't find any excuses to start working on captions. But hopefully autumn will be less stressful and I will be able to go back to making captions. Well, at least do I intend on getting one big wave of captions out before the end of the year.

In any case, to show you that I am not entirely gone I will post two captions right now! I hope you enjoy them, and I promise I will have more for you at some point in the future. Though, I can't promise when. Love you all, though.

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